
Monday, July 11, 2016

Planking Basics

Always more fun to plank with friends! 

Today begins our plank challenge! Are you ready to work on those abs? Let's begin.

Basics for planks:
For the basic plank: there are several different options to fit your needs. You can do them on your elbows or your hands, which tends to be easier, unless you have a bad wrist. You can do them on your toes or knees. This option will be the best for beginners, no excuses for not planking during this challenge. 
Keep everything in line from your head to your toes. No need to be looking around. 
Engage your core, abs, by pushing down on your abs, like you are pooping, which will push your abs slightly out. Think about trying to pull your lower ribs to your hips No need to fret though, this is how to properly engage your core to truly work those muscles, which in the end will give you the strong, flat abs you are seeking. 
Tighten your glutes and legs.
Engage your lats, muscles along the outside of your back, by trying to pull your elbows, or wrists if on your hands, to your hips. Do not actually move your arms though. Think about someone trying to pull on your arms forward, toward your head, and you need to resist by pulling back on their hands. This will include more muscles and help to engage your core better. 
Breath normally. Do not hold your breath, you will not be able to do that for long. 

To begin the challenge, pick which basic plank you are going to do, then hold your plank for as long as possible. What is most important is your form, holding the proper form to engage the muscles and build those muscles, is what is most important, not how long you can hold the plank. If you break your form, you are potentially risking injury. Not maybe while planking, potentially, but in the future while living. Remember, your core is what protects your lumbar, lower back, and keeps you healthy for the long term. Your form is more important than time. While holding the proper form, and given time building the muscles, you will increase your time and strength. Both of these are part of what this challenge is about, building the muscle to keep you healthy for life and having the stamina to properly hold those muscles.

See how long you can properly hold a plank.

Saving the world one stick of butter at a time.
God bless,

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