One of my recipe boxes!
Everyone here in the United States, I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Taking time during your vacation and BBQ's to remember why we have the freedoms we have in this great country, those who gave their lives and serve in the Armed Forces. Freedom is never free, it is obtained with a great price and kept the same way. I hope you took time to honor them and thank them for the freedom you have.Memorial Weekend is the unofficial kick of to summer. BBQ's, and families traveling, how did you find sticking to your new way of eating? Did you use this as a cheat day(s)? If so, how do you feel? Do you notice a difference in your body going back to your old habits as opposed to sticking with a healthier eating plan. Maybe some of those old aches and pains returned, or sleeping issues came back, it is important to take note of how you feel and the changes.
Maybe you stuck it out because you feel so great you did not want to relapse. Was it hard with family and friends questioning you about why you eat this way? What did you find was the best way to coupe with this and talk with them? If they gave you grief, maybe it is because they are jealous you have the courage to stand up and make the changes you need to lose weight, over come your health concerns, be happy and feel amazing. Most people are not like us and want to wallow in their self pity and not make the hard changes. Because, they are hard. They want the body of their dreams and all their health concerns to go away without putting anything into it. They are jealous of you! Do not give into them. Be an inspiration to them. Once they see you reach your goals and see how easy it is, they will have the courage to follow you. It always take the most courage to be the first one to stand up for something better. Others might want to, but do not have what it takes to be the leader. You were the courageous one and in time, they just might begin to follow you, ask questions, make small changes and see you as someone inspiring. You never who you are going to influence. Do not give up. I am here for you, you are not alone in this fight for real food.
Our approximate menu for the week, I make a weekly menu but that does not mean it does not change, we are flexible.
Mediterranean Meatzza, we will get two to three meals from this with leftovers. I might do a side salad with this, but maybe not. With a meal like this, we are eating our veggies and meat with one dish, so you do not have to have a side dish. Try this when you are planning meals, protein, fat and veggies all in one so you do not have to cook as much, buy as much, which equals you save time and money.
Caprese Grilled Chicken, not sure what I will do on the side, maybe some grilled veggies, yum!
Thai Beef Salad, I had this the other night at a restaurant and it was amazing, so I am trying to recreate it.
Indian Inspired Grilled Chicken Salad
Lime Infused Fish Tacos, in our house we adhere to the no meat Friday. I will have to post this recipe, I have non-fisher eaters who love this.
A very yummy week of food ahead of us!
You are only as healthy as your food.
Saving the world one stick of butter at a time.
God's abundant blessings,

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