Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Joy

I love the Christmas season, the peace, joy, happiness, love, the nip in the air, the smells, time with family and friends and most importantly, the Gift of Christ's Birth.

However, for many, Christmas is not any of this. It is stressful, frustrating, irritating, overwhelming and they cannot wait for Christmas to be over. This makes me very sad. If you are in this category, lets see if we change your attitude and you can also love this amazing season.

First and foremost, let us remember the reason for the season: it is the Birth of Christ. Along with most everything else in the world today, we have tried to take God out of everything. This is destroying us. Instead of Christmas being about Christ, it is a holiday season, gift giving and the more gifts the better, parties, anything but Christ. If you remember the real reason for the season, you will find peace and joy.

Second, there are financial stresses. Thinking you have to give your children more and bigger gifts, family and friends gifts, all these gifts must be bigger and better. Everything is more expensive these days, we all feel the financial strain. Why do we put this strain on our selves? Falling into the traps of the world. How about teaching our children and family about the real gift of the season, Christ's Birth and what we receive from His Birth. There is always the gift of time, being together and making memories together. Remembering those who are less fortunate than ourselves and helping them out. Teaching your children this gift of giving, maybe an organization such as Toys for Tots with the Marines. This season is not all about others giving us gifts, it is also about the gifts we give others.

Third, all the parties to attend. Do you have many parties to attend and not enough time? Instead of going to them all, pick the two or three, what is best for you and your stress levels, go to these and graciously decline the rest. Remember, there is no reason you have to go to them all. For a thought, the Christmas season is that, a season. It is not over the day after Christmas, in fact, it is just beginning! Maybe instead of having all your parties before Christmas, think about having some of them after.

Last, what are your stressers for this time of year? Take some time to think about them and how you will overcome them. Do not allow them to continue and ruin this most Blessed Time of Year for you.

Saving the world one stick of butter at a time.

Peace, love and joy to you this Blessed season.

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