Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Quest of a Flat Stomach

The envy of all is having the flat stomach, for both men and women alike.

When you look at the statue of Venus de Milo, one of things you will notice is, she has a flat stomach. She is not 15% body fat either. She would be a healthy body percent in the mid 20's. In fact her waist to hip ratio of 0.7, which is what most men prefer and women would like to have, Marilyn Monroe and Jessica Alba also have this ratio. When we look at her, we think health and beauty, at least I do. But, if she is not 15% body fat, how can she have a flat stomach and be a healthy weight?

This is simple. I didn't say easy, but simple. It would be attributed to her nutrition. Today, we all think to have a flat stomach we need to have low body fat, and exercise for hours a day. This simply is not true. A woman can be healthy, between 20-30% body fat and have a flat stomach, Venus proves this. Why else would she be sculpted this way if it is not true?

There are many differences in our diets from Venus' time to today. In the last 100 years or so, our diets have changed in leaps and bounds. One of the biggest differences is, the significant increase in omega-6 fats. In the past, we ate about a 1:1 but no more than 1:4 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. Which correlates to eating far more omega-3s and much much less omega-6s, which is the opposite of what we do today. It is estimated we eat a 1:20 on the low side to 1:60 plus ratio of omega-3 to 6! This is WAY to much omega-6s. Eating this amount of omega-6 is associated with larger stomachs. This is dangerous fat as well, fat that will cause heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome. One of the best things you can do for a flat stomach is drop the omega-6s. These come from eating soy, canola oil, corn oil, excess grains with these oils, processed foods, anything with hydrogenated oils, for some examples. Eat more omega-3s and other healthy fats, like cholesterol and saturated fat. These will help you lose the belly, gain the weight in your hips, thighs and butts lady's and have lasting health.

Foods high in Omega-3s
Pasture feed and finished beef and other grazing animals
Pastured eggs
Cod liver oil
Cold water fish
Some nuts and seeds, chia and flax seeds, but do not rely on these.

And of course, you cannot forget about the BUTTER!!!
Saving the world one stick of butter at a time.
God's many blessings,

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